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Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm very happy that I could do a mini interview with Asia Cruise. :) I did it yesterday on MySpace and she answered very quickly!

I asked her about music: when she started singing, which singers she likes, about her album, etc.
I hope you like this interview. :)

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1. When did you start singing?
I started singing around the age of 10. It's funny because I was actually training to become the next big gymnast. And I had one injury to many, and my mom was like, "That's It, You have to find something else to do." So, that summer, she was looking through the paper and saw an article about a singers camp. I went for the two months, and at the end, we showcased two songs that we had worked on. I'm guessing my parents were just stunned. Because, Singing was never something I wanted to do as a career, so it's funny how all this came about. And, I loved it from then on out and we just started doing local shows and 7 years later, I land a record deal. It's still so surreal to me, but I'm enjoying every bit of it!

2. Do you write your own songs?
I do write my own songs. I have co-written a few on the album. But, the songs you hear out right now, I have not written any of them. I did write a couple lines on "Step, Step". So, definitely give that song a listen!

3. Who are your biggest inspirations in music?
Well, Beyonce is one of favorite artists to look up to. I also, love Fergie, Gwen, Chris Brown, Maroon 5, Janet Jackson, etc. I take a little bit from all of them and create a style of my own. To me, they're just the all around package. That's kind of how I want to be represented as an artist. I can sing, dance, and act. And also, to be a postive role model. Something everyone can relate too, whether your 10 or 27. You can enjoy my music. That's very important to me. So, that group of people really influence me to take myself to the next level.

4. Please tell me something about your upcoming debut album. Is it done? Who has worked with you on it?
We are still working on the album. T-Pain and the Cornaboyz have written most of the album. We do have a couple of surprises on the album. I can't say yet, but I'm hearing those supposed to be a couple of big timers working on the album. So you'll just have to wait and see!

5. Which is your favorite album or song at the moment?
I'm really lovin' the Chris Brown record right now. My favorite song would have to "I Wanna Be". That song is amazing!

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Visit Asia's Official Site and MySpace!


Anonymous said...

Nekem speciál szimpi a csaj. És ez a Selfish is tök yo. egyre jobban teccik.

Fancy said...

szerintem is aranyos :) nem a legnagyobb énekes, de lehet nagy hang nélkül is jó dalokat énekelni

Anonymous said...

Remélem sikeres lesz, nekem is szimpatikus. =)

Asszem mostmár áttérek, és magyarul fogok kommentelni, úgysem tudok rendesen fogalmazni angolul. xD

Jó lesz a külföldi látogatóknak, megnézik a kommenteket, és azt sem tudoják miről beszélünk... =P

Fancy said...

Persze nyugodtan lehet magyarul :) A blog azért angol, mert már nem tanulok angolt és nem akarom elfelejteni, na meg hogy értsék a külföldiek :)

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